ADHD keynote talks for the workplace

Let’s talk about ADHD and neurodiversity in business

A suspected one in every twenty-five UK adults has ADHD – making the likelihood of the condition showing up in your business a high one. But how do you best react to such stats? What action can you take to acknowledge ADHD – diagnosed or not – as something that’s almost certainly in the house causing invisible struggles?

A little understanding of the ADHD experience in the workplace – including all the quirks, challenges and creative benefits this neurodivergence can bring – is an important step forward for inclusivity and wellbeing in any business. Recognised and taken seriously, it can deliver a profound advantage, too.

Brains that work differently, think differently

Putting like-minded people around the same problem or challenge seriously limits the diversity of ideas and creativity achieved. Compare that approach to the results seen when cognitive diversity shows what it can do, and the case for making your working environment even more divergence-friendly is clear.

UNHERDED works with businesses to embrace neurodiversity and improve the working experience of ADHD employees – to harness the powerful creative advantage of original, mould-breaking thoughts. Our corporate consultancy work is structured around three core offerings…

Enlightening ADHD talks from an experienced keynote speaker – exploring the brain chemistry and creative firepower of ADHD and related topics

Consultancy work aimed at promoting euro-inclusivity in the workplace – featuring best practice employer advice for leadership and people teams

1-2-1 exec coaching for managing ADHD at work – focused on enhanced wellbeing and improved productivity, efficiency and performance

Why not get in touch to discuss how UNHERDED can help you improve the experience of your ADHD employees and leverage true creative advantage?