ADHD and reasonable adjustments
Workplace Kevin Exley Workplace Kevin Exley

ADHD and reasonable adjustments

It’s a legal requirement of employers to offer reasonable adjustments to certain neurodiverse employees – including those with ADHD. Yet it’s still sometimes claimed that they offer some kind of unfair advantage. Let’s bust that – with the help of a particular species of spider.

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ADHD and exams
Education Kevin Exley Education Kevin Exley

ADHD and exams

The exam system is flawed. A lot of people – including many with ADHD and autism – are being judged and tested within an environment that hinders their chances of proving what they’re capable of. Exam results, though, are an increasingly smaller part of the equation – and here’s why…

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adhd and the unherded mentality
Kevin Exley Kevin Exley

adhd and the unherded mentality

Is self-confidence stronger than conformity when navigating the world with ADHD? This neurodivergent’s opinion can be summed up in a single word (and it’s not yes or no)…

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