group coaching
for ADHD

A new six-week programme – for a more affordable way to manage ADHD

There’s no doubt about it; coaching on a one-to-one level gets results. But it sits outside of many people’s budgets – and finding a quality coach who has immediate availability isn’t always a straightforward task. That’s why we decided to introduce group ADHD coaching to the UNHERDED offering. And we’re excited to announce that this affordable way to access proper ADHD coaching and expert advice – from a certified professional coach – is available NOW.

Learn the fundamentals of what ADHD actually is – to better understand how and where it shows up for you

Benefit from expert knowledge and advice for managing symptoms and getting more out of life

Share and discuss your ADHD challenges and strengths within a small cohort of like-minded people

Achieve positive, transformative change for an improved quality of life

gather round and hear how it works

UNHERDED Gatherings take place virtually, on Microsoft Teams calls.

When you sign up for the programme, you’ll be given a place in a small cohort of up to six people who meet online at the same time each week.

(Of course, everyone’s lives and diaries differ. So we’ve been careful to schedule each cohort to meet on a different day of the week – and at a different time – to maximise options.)

Every Gathering is hosted and run by certified ADHD coach, Kev Exley. Over six weeks, he guides each cohort through a range of ADHD-related tropics, based on his first-hand lived experience of ADHD and years of coaching ADHD adults from various backgrounds and professional fields.

As a result, participants complete the programme with a better understanding of themselves; and will be armed with various tips, tricks and hacks for achieving a more rewarding life.

week one – adhd bacics

We begin by gaining some solid foundational knowledge of what ADHD actually is – to improve self-awareness and provide useful context for the rest of the course.

week two – adhd & emotions

Next, we explore the emotional side of ADHD, and look at effective ways of managing regrettable reactions and mitigating painful experiences.

week three – relationships

From here, ADHD’s effects on relationships comes under the spotlight, as we examine how and why ADHD-fuelled issues can so often bring disharmony to partnerships.

week four – adhd at work

The halfway point sees attention turn to ADHD in the workplace – with practical advice on disclosure, reasonable adjustments, and getting government funding for support.

week five – productivity & focus

The hot topic of ‘productivity with ADHD’ is next, including ways to get and stay organised; tips for hacking distractibility; and the importance of staying motivated.

week six – wellness & routine

The importance of maintaining a healthy base-line level of self-care rounds off the programme – arming every participant with ideas and insights that will help them best manage their ADHD.

next available cohorts…

at 08:30

beginning 8th October 2024

at 13:00

beginning 17th October 2024

Each UNHERDED Gatherings online call lasts for fifty minutes and costs £40.00 (inclusive of VAT). Which means that this engaging six-week programme – and the opportunity it offers to improve quality of life by learning how to better manage ADHD – is available for just £240.00.

To grab a place in an upcoming cohort, please drop us an email and we’ll respond with 24 hours. Or, if you’re simply interested in hearing a little more about how UNHERDED Gatherings work and what you can expect to gain from the programme, why not arrange a free online discovery call with Kev?