ADHD and anxiety
There’s every reason for ADHDers to do what they can stay on top of their anxiety levels. At the start of Mental Health Awareness Week, Kev Exley explains why…
ADHD and why boundaries aren’t the answer
Being boundaried is one thing. But removing barriers that prevent you form doing things your way is so much more liberating.
adhd and the unherded mentality
Is self-confidence stronger than conformity when navigating the world with ADHD? This neurodivergent’s opinion can be summed up in a single word (and it’s not yes or no)…
adhd and the search for a why
The origins of ADHD have been fuelling debate for generations. Some fascinating theories on neurodiversity have been offered up along the way.
adhd and the gut microbiome
Procrastination can be a struggle for many ADHD types – and there are several reasons behind this common fight to get a task or project off the ground.